Before this section starts I will be referring to Cat-(5-8) cable as Cat-5 for simplicity as the rest use the same wiring standard, just different shielding, twisted pair, and conductor width methods and lengths. When creating/splicing Cat-5 cable (Catagory 5)
Hybrid-Cloud Basics
Today’s way of file storage and accessing things on the internet in some shape involves the cloud and the cloud’s infrastructure. In this section, we will talk about on-premises infrastructure vs cloud and some problems with the cloud with possible
Pen Testing/Security Basics
In this section, we will go over some basic pen testing methods and some ways to keep your internet equipment safe from being exploited. Below is what most SOHO’s (Small Office Home Office) look like. They consist of a box
WAN Connection Types
The process of connecting from anywhere with an internet connection, maybe a corporate office or your home; how does our connection path look like through the WAN (Wide Area Network)? Let’s specifically talk about corporate office-to-data center communication. There are
Data Center Architecture Basics
The way Data Centers are operated is not too far off from how we set up corporate networking. Data Centers specialize in delivering content to the outside internet and internally. The way companies and regular people can have access to
Networking Design Basics
There are many different ways to design networks for many other applications. In this section, we will go over some good ways to set up networks for enterprise applications and for small businesses. Firstly we will actually start with an
Upper Layers of TCP/IP and OSI Model
For this section, we will cover the 4 upper layers of the OSI/TCP/IP Model. As mentioned in an earlier post regarding these two models I will be referring to the OSI model as both for the sake of simplicity since
Real Life Example of TCP/IP and OSI layers
This section will cover a simple conversation between a client on a private network and accessing the internet to a different network for a website. The typography of our network is shown here. From NetworkChucks video (src. Firstly the
TCP/IP and OSI Model/Stack Basics
Years ago the way to connect two devices together was more troublesome than it is in the modern day. There was even a time when two devices that were not made by the same company were not able to communicate
Router Basics/Switch Misc.
ARP: Address Resolution Protocol (L2) When sending a ping to a device connected to a switch, an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is sent to that destination IP as well as an ARP packet. This is only done when the